Package | Taste | Stock | Expiration | Your price | Buy | ||||
2250 g | chocolate cocoa | 1 pcs | 29.1.2027 | 39,30 GBP | |||||
39,30 GBP | |||||||||
2250 g | chocolate coconut | 1 pcs | 18.1.2027 | 39,30 GBP | |||||
39,30 GBP | |||||||||
2250 g | cookies cream | 3 pcs | 10.4.2027 | 39,30 GBP | |||||
39,30 GBP | |||||||||
1000 g | vanilla | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | white chocolate coconut | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | chocolate cocoa | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | chocolate hazelnut | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | chocolate brownie | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | cookies cream | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | raspberry | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | caramel latte | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | ice coffee | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | chocolate coconut | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | strawberry | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | kiwi banana | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | banana strawberry | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
1000 g | pineapple coconut | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | raspberry | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | vanilla | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | banana strawberry | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | ice coffee | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | biscuit | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | strawberry | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | chocolate brownie | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | blueberry | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | white chocolate coconut | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | orange | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | mango vanilla | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | kiwi banana | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | pineapple coconut | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | caramel latte | the product is sold out, Monitor availability | |||||||
2250 g | chocolate hazelnut | the product is sold out, Monitor availability |
NOVÝ 100% WHEY PROTEIN prichádza s úplne novou generáciou prémiového proteínu s vylepšenou receptúrou. Z tých najkvalitnejších surovín sme pre vás namiešali koktejl 16 jedinečných príchutí, ktoré vás svojou skutočnosťou neprestanú šokovať.
Základ produktu tvorí prémiový ultrafiltrovaný koncentrát mliečnej srvátky (WPC) spolu s najčistejšou formou izolátu
srvátkovej bielkoviny (WPI). Vďaka technológii Cross-Flow Microfiltration (CFM) si bielkoviny zachovávajú všetky biologicky účinné zložky pre maximálnu efektivitu vášho tréningu. Patentovaná surovina INSTANT WHEY zaisťuje perfektnú rozpustnosť proteínu pre dokonalý komfort prípravy vášho proteínového nápoja.
Srvátková bielkovina pochádza z prvotriedneho mlieka spĺňajúceho certifikát GRASS FED.
Vynikajúca stráviteľnosť zaisťuje značková zmes tráviacich enzýmov a lahodné príchute potešia vaše zmysly. Prémiový produkt s vysokou biologickou hodnotou je ideálny pre obnovu svalového tkaniva a svalového rastu.
Jedna odmerka predstavuje = 15g. Jedna dávka = 30 g. Odporúčanú dávku odmerajte priloženou odmerkou a riadne rozmiešajte v šejkri alebo rozmixujte vo vode. Pomer riedenia je 30 g na 150 - 200 ml vody / rastlinného mlieka. V závislosti na dennej potrebe bielkovín konzumujte 1 - 3 porcie denne, medzi jedlami.