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EAA is a powdered nutritional supplement designed for professional athletes, but also for amateurs who occasionally perform physic... See more
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Category: Amino Acids
Package: 420 g
Taste: forest fruit, fruit punch, lemon, mango maracuja, orange, pineapple, strawberry watermelon
On stock 42 pcs
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Price list

PackageTaste Stock Expiration Your price Buy
420 glemon7 pcs30.9.202615,10 GBP
15,10 GBP
420 gorange7 pcs30.9.202615,10 GBP
15,10 GBP
420 gforest fruit7 pcs30.9.202615,10 GBP
15,10 GBP
420 gfruit punch8 pcs30.9.202615,10 GBP
15,10 GBP
420 gmango maracuja6 pcs30.9.202615,10 GBP
15,10 GBP
420 gstrawberry watermelon7 pcs30.9.202615,10 GBP
15,10 GBP
420 gpineapplethe product is sold out, Monitor availability

EAA is a powdered nutritional supplement designed for professional athletes, but also for amateurs who occasionally perform physical exercises. It supplements the diet with exogenous amino acids, which create proteins that the human body cannot produce on its own. For this reason, they must be supplied externally by a EAA dietary supplement.

L-leucine, contained in the product, is the most important amino acid during strength training, which influences the secretion of anabolic hormones. L-valine supports the functioning of the nervous system, eliminates fatigue, affects protein remodeling and reduces body fat. L-Lysine promotes the formation of new proteins, increases muscle mass and fat metabolism. L-phenylalanine is the basic building block of most proteins, it also helps to eliminate pain caused by high physical exertion. L-threonine prevents fatigue, promotes muscle and bone repair. L-Isoleucine is anti-catabolic and promotes post-workout recovery. L-histidine improves recovery processes, prevents fatigue and pain after exercise. L-Methionine enhances the natural ability of tissue regeneration. L-tryptophan is a building block of proteins and is involved in the production of serotonin and melatonin.


One serving: 12g

L-leucine 3333mg

L-valine 1467mg

L-lysine 1467mg

L-phenylalanine 1200mg

L-threonine 1000mg

L-isoleucine 600mg

L-histidine 467mg

L-methionine 333mg

L-tryptophan 133mg

Dosage:take 1 dose as needed before training and 1 dose immediately after training. On days off, take at least 1 dose in the morning with breakfast or lunch.

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