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Dedicated Nutrition

BCAA Sensation

BCAA amino acids enriched with active substances such as Taurine, L-Citrulline + phosphate salts that prevent muscle cramps. Dedic... See more
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Category: Amino Acids
Package: 345 g, 390 g, 405 g, 465 g
Taste: bubblegum, exotic fruit, green apple, lemon cola, mango strawberry, mojito lime, rainbow candy, sour bombs, sour candy chews, strawberry kiwi orange, watermelon
On stock 25 pcs
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Price list

PackageTaste Stock Expiration Your price Buy
390 grainbow candy7 pcs31.12.202618,90 EUR
18,90 EUR
405 gsour candy chews6 pcs31.12.202518,90 EUR
18,90 EUR
405 gmojito lime5 pcs31.12.202618,90 EUR
18,90 EUR
465 gsour bombs4 pcs31.12.202518,90 EUR
18,90 EUR
345 gbubblegum3 pcs31.12.202518,90 EUR
18,90 EUR
345 gwatermelonthe product is sold out, Monitor availability
345 ggreen applethe product is sold out, Monitor availability
345 gexotic fruitthe product is sold out, Monitor availability
345 gstrawberry kiwi orangethe product is sold out, Monitor availability
405 glemon colathe product is sold out, Monitor availability
345 gmango strawberrythe product is sold out, Monitor availability

BCAA amino acids enriched with active substances such as Taurine, L-Citrulline + phosphate salts that prevent muscle cramps. Dedicated BCAAs are enriched with extra substances that work synergistically together, another feature is their easy solubility and delicious taste.

Dosage. On days off, take 1-2 scoops throughout the day, preferably immediately in the morning on an empty stomach.

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