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Hammer Labz

Tudca Shield

Tudca Shield Hammer Labz 60 caps contains tauroursodexyholic acid known as TUDCA at a dose of 300 mg per serving.The active ingred... See more
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Tudca Shield Hammer Labz 60 caps contains tauroursodexyholic acid known as TUDCA at a dose of 300 mg per serving.

The active ingredient of the Tudca Shield supplement helps prevent the formation of toxic steroid metabolites, reverses the toxic effects of already formed metabolites and accelerates their elimination from the liver. It is effective in increasing the flow of bile from the liver to the duodenum.

The formula was additionally strengthened with NAC - n-acetyl l - cysteine.

By inactivating reactive oxygen species and reducing oxidative stress, NAC protects cells against damage and supports the body's immunity. It increases endurance in athletes, improving their efficiency and susceptibility to fatigue. It facilitates expectoration, ventilation of the lungs, and gas exchange, it supports oxygenation. It also accelerates the processes of post-workout regeneration and reduces inflammation resulting from overload.

As a compound that supplies acetyl groups, Tudca supports the production of testosterone.

Due to the strong stimulation of regeneration of damaged liver cells (hepatocytes), it is used by some groups of athletes during and after the cycle with the use of pro-hormones and steroids.

Tudca Shield Hammer Labz is recommended for athletes after each cycle to ensure sports progression, to maintain a strong and healthy liver.

Tudca from the manufacturer Hammer Labz is designed to prevent the effects of toxic metabolites from steroids and quickly eliminate them from the liver. The use of c17-alpha-alkylated compounds can be fatal to liver health, resulting in extreme toxicity and, in some cases, death. TUDCA is a preparation supporting the proper functions of the liver in the presence of oral steroids.

Tudca can lower blood sugar by 43%. It is well known that bile acids are extremely important to the digestive process, but they also act as signaling molecules in tissues in the body. The pancreas expresses certain receptors that regulate cell functions. Studies show that TUDCA not only improves glucose tolerance, but also increases insulin sensitivity. The supplement is recommended after each cycle, in order to ensure the continuity of sports progress, it is extremely important to maintain a strong and healthy liver. This is because the liver is directly related to the production of testosterone and insulin - the two most powerful anabolic hormones in the human body.

Dossage: use 1-2 capsules a day with food.

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