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Lawless Labs


Lawless TLB Rad-150 90 caps is a newer edition of the popular SARM RAD-140. The more refined formula contains all the benefits of ... See more
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Lawless TLB Rad-150 90 caps is a newer edition of the popular SARM RAD-140. The more refined formula contains all the benefits of RAD, but with an even stronger and more potent effect. RAD-150 features better absorption, greater stability and lasts longer. RAD-150 resembles testosterone in its effects. Many users of the agent indicate that the gains it gives are comparable precisely to the action of testosterone. SARM strongly influences the ability to synthesize muscle proteins which results in much greater mass gains.

Lawless TLB Rad-150 90 caps are:

  • Improved RAD-140 formula,
  • Supports muscle mass building,
  • Works similarly to testosterone,
  • Increases libido,
  • Significantly reduces recovery time.

Who is RAD-150 designed for?

If you previously used RAD-140 and were satisfied with the supplementation, then you should definitely try SARM RAD-150. The enhanced version gives better muscle mass gains, works more steadily and shortens recovery time. RAD-150 is perfect for a mass cycle, where you're looking to build pure muscle mass. RAD also causes good strength gains, so it can be used by people training for strength.
What to combine RAD-150 with?

To build muscle mass, RAD-150 will work well in combination with MK-677, YK-11 / Ykarine and S4 / Andarine when you are looking to build muscle mass. It is less commonly used during reduction, but when we decide to use it we can combine it with GW-501516 / Cardarine, SR-9009 or Ostarine.

Check out the other SARMs in the store's offer.
How long to use RAD-150?

A cycle should last about 8 weeks. After the cycle is completed, we recommend using PCT.
Lawless TLB Rad 150 90 caps composition:

1 serving, 1 capsule:

RAD-150 - 5 mg - otherwise known as TLB-150 benzoate, belongs to the group of SARMs that have undergone esterification. RAD-150 is characterized by a longer action, more lasting effects. Your body tolerates the effects of esterified agents better therefore it responds better to supplementation. RAD-150 has similar effects to testosterone. RAD-150 works practically for 48 hours, so there is no need to divide the dose into smaller portions during the day. We can take the suggested dose once a day.

Lawless TLB Rad 150 90 caps dosage: use 10-15 mg per day. Because RAD-150 lasts longer in the body, there is no need to divide the dose into smaller amounts and take them more often.

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