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GW 10 mg

Dark Labs GW-501516 - Cardarine is a very powerful product that activates PPAR, i.e. H. peroxisome proliferation-activated recepto... See more
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Dark Labs GW-501516 - Cardarine is a very powerful product that activates PPAR, i.e. H. peroxisome proliferation-activated receptors. Their main function is to regulate metabolism, insulin resistance and fatty acid metabolism. They also maintain glucose homeostasis. PPAR supplementation in combination with a solid workout helps to achieve an athletic figure and accustom the body to physical exertion. People who play sports know how to systematically increase their endurance. To do well, you have to be sure that what you have practised will pay off. Of course, working with a trainer and a good nutritionist is great, but if you want quick and visible results, consider Dark Labs GW-501516. You will be amazed by the body composition results and a very fast visual display. The most important effect of GW 501516 is a quickly noticeable increase in strength of 20 to 30%. Most athletes reach for the supplement to lose unnecessary fat, as it allows glucose to be absorbed into the muscles, contributing to a lean and athletic figure.

Cardarine or GW-501516 is a metabolic activator that selectively targets the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor δ (PPARδ) with high affinity and potency, making it a PPARδ agonist. It does not affect testosterone levels in the blood at all, so the side effects of excessive testosterone levels do not occur.

The product increases the sensitivity of muscle cells to insulin, allowing you to achieve a full figure, toned and hard muscles, while reducing the fat content in the body.

It is also very important that due to the increased consumption of fat tissue, the proteins that form the main building blocks of muscle remain intact, meaning that catabolism is virtually non-existent.

The supplement helps you increase your endurance in a shorter time. It accelerates the growth of muscle tissue while reducing fat mass. When used during reduction, it maximises your work output in the gym to burn more calories and maintain muscle mass during a calorie deficit. Cardarine is one of the few compounds that effectively increase athletic performance.


The Dark Labs GW-501516 pack contains 60 capsules. Each capsule contains 10 mg GW - 501516. Recommended use is 1 capsule twice daily. Do not use continuously for more than 4 weeks without taking a one week break.

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