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Halodrol from Hi-tech pharmaceuticals is a steroid product designed for athletes to increase muscle mass. The product reduces reco... See more
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Halodrol from Hi-tech pharmaceuticals is a steroid product designed for athletes to increase muscle mass. The product reduces recovery time after training and increases muscle endurance. In addition, it increases vascularity and prevents the accumulation of water in the body. Halodrol is recommended for anyone who wants to get a distinct musculature. The way it works is similar to testosterone. It contains a 250 mg blend: 1-androstene-3b-ol, 17-one (1-Andro). 1-androsten-3b-ol is responsible for high muscle mass gain and 1 Andro is an energy prohormone that participates in the production of 1-testosterone. The result of using 1-Andro is a high gain in muscle mass and improved testosterone production. 4-Andro, like 1-Andro, is involved in the conversion to testosterone. A mixture of 4 compounds that are transformed into strong anabolics is 200% more anabolic than testosterone. Undoubtedly, this is one of the best supplements to increase lean muscle mass and strength.
Halodrol ingredients:

1-Androsteron-1,4 androstene-3b-ol, 17-one - is an androgenic sex hormone. It is an unmethylated anabolic compound designed to help the user improve strength, gain dry matter and, above all, burn fat. 1-Androsterone is an unmethylated compound whose primary metabolite is 1-androstenedione (1-AD). The nomenclature for 1-Andro is 1-androstene 3b-ol, 17-one. 1-Andro is not transformed into testosterone or estrogen, but in fact it turns into 1-testosterone. This means basically that estrogen-related side effects should not occur, so you can expect an increase in body weight and body fat loss. Since 1-AD is not transformed into estrogen and has anti-estrogenic activity, it means that it is a good compound for use in the reduction cycle because it helps in fat loss. Due to the lack of water retention in the body, the increments will not be violent, but stable and very easy to maintain during and after the cycle. Products from 1-Androsteron are great for combining with other prohormones and sarmas. The side effects associated with the use of 1-Androsterone are very small, if at all, because this compound is not methylated. The non-methylated nature of this compound means that it is not toxic to the liver. Estrogen-related side effects such as gynecomastia are also absent.

4-Androsteron- after ingestion, 4-Andro goes into testosterone through a two-step conversion. The compound exhibits noticeably high anabolic activity, resulting in increased muscle mass and strength, while at the same time the sexual drive is noticeably enhanced. 4-Androsterone is an unmethylated prohormone, which means that it has minimal liver function on the internal organs. 4-Androsterone is targeted at the development of muscle mass, about 4-6 kg of lean muscle mass within 4 to 6 weeks is not uncommon. Please note that this effect will be more visible with proper diet and training. In addition, 4-Andro has a positive effect on the reduction of cortisol - it aligns the ratio DHEA / cortisol, which regulates the level of cortisol in case of excessive levels (hypercortisolemia). Decreased levels of cortisol affect systemic reduced stress. This is a particularly important effect in reducing the impact of neurosis, depression, or other nervous disorders.

Androsterone - the compound is transformed into dihydrotestosterone, which increases muscle mass and strength, and promotes the loss of unnecessary fat.

Rhaponticum carthamoides Extract - perennial borer. It is classified as anabolic and plant steroid. These plants have a strong impact on the whole human and animal body, and in particular on their muscles. The EKDYSTEROIDS present in Leuzei play the role of plant hormones. Leuzea is a medicinal plant, used as a stimulant, adding energy, strengthening in states of mental and physical exhaustion. A rat helps the nervous system, brings peace, reduces explosiveness, relieves neurosis and helps in depressive states. Anabolic hormones have a unique ability to retain protein in the body, resulting in the development of muscle mass and bones. Leuzea affects the strength, efficiency and speed of the body, moreover, it decides about the immediate regeneration of the body after a hard physical effort.

Dosage Halodrol:

As a dietary supplement, take on tablet 30 minutes prior to training.  On non-training days take one tablet in the morning or afternoon.  No not exceed 2 tablets per day.

Recommended cycle: 4-6 weeks