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Stimul8 Hardcore

Finaflex Stimul 8 Hardcore is a new version of the legendary pre-workout with even stronger effects!Stimul8 Hardcore is a new form... See more
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Category: Preworkouts
Package: 201 g
Taste: grape escape, mango madness, omg orange, sour tsunami
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201 gomg orangethe product is sold out, Monitor availability

Finaflex Stimul 8 Hardcore is a new version of the legendary pre-workout with even stronger effects!

Stimul8 Hardcore is a new formula of the well-known pre-workout manufacturer Finaflex. The stimulating stack contains scientifically proven ingredients that help increase the energy necessary for training, improve concentration, well-being, increase blood flow, which allows the delivery of nutrients to the muscles. The supplement clearly increases strength and training endurance. Stimul8 Hardcore enables the increase of ATP energy in muscle cells, which will allow you to perform high-intensity workouts for a long time, stimulating muscle growth and increasing physical performance.

Check out the ingredients of Finaflex Stimul 8 Hardcore:

L-Citrulline Malate - participates in the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO) and phosphocreatine as well as oxygen metabolism of glucose, thereby increasing the uptake of oxygen, glucose, amino acids and creatine and energy production by muscle cells. It reduces the concentration of lactic acid and ammonia in the muscles, allowing the body to recover energy faster by increasing the level of creatine phosphate and re-synthesizing ATP. Citrulline malate is a much more effective form than high doses of arginine, as it is its precursor. At the same dose as arginine, it is more effective in increasing its amount in the body than arginine alone.

Caffeine - caffeine has a thermogenic effect and suppresses appetite due to the increase in the production of adrenaline and norepinephrine. It has been proven that it causes an increase in the formation of such neurotransmitters in the central nervous system as dopamine, acetylcholine or even serotonin, which exerts a stimulating effect and increases cognitive functions. The overall effect of caffeine on the body allows you to maintain the effectiveness of training and maintain a positive mood, despite the caloric deficit.

IrisinXD - a patented blend of exotic stimulants, including N-Coumaroyldopamine (selective beta 2-adrenergic agonist), combined with the most effective COMT (Catechol-O-Methyl-Transferase) inhibitor to increase the bioavailability and overall effectiveness of N-Coumaroyldopamine (NCD). Irisin reduces the amount of fat by stimulating the B2-adrenergic receptors in the body's cells. It has a strong anabolic effect that stimulates muscle growth and development. Influence on the growth of muscle mass and muscle strength.

Cocoa Seed Extract - obtained from cocoa beans; It contains theobromine - a purine alkaloid, which, in combination with polyphenols and caffeine, increases the thermogenic potential, allowing you to increase energy expenditure and accelerate the reduction of body fat.

L-Phenylalanine - an often underestimated component of proteins, widely used both in the context of the development of the figure and anabolic processes, as well as improving focus, coordination and muscle feeling. The right dose of this compound significantly contributes to the more efficient work of the nervous system.

Agmatine Sulphate - effectively increasing the secretion of nitric oxide in the human body, which translates into a strong muscle pump feeling during training. The expansion of blood vessels supports the supply of blood and nutrients to the working muscles, which significantly accelerates the regeneration process and building new muscle fibers. In studies with the use of agmatine, it has been shown that its action can support protein synthesis even twice, which, in addition to the action of agmatine itself, is also associated with the effect of increasing the supply of nutrients to muscle tissues.

Rauwolfia Vomitoria - a substance that is helpful in the fight against the so-called resistant adipose tissue, located mainly in the thorax and lower waist areas in men, and hips, buttocks and thighs in women. Yohimbine works by blocking α2 receptors, which clearly facilitates slimming and is helpful in sculpting body parts resistant to slimming. It is worth remembering that the effect of yohimbine is effectively eliminated by insulin. So taking this compound around carbohydrate meals is pointless. Yohimbine is especially effective when used on an empty stomach, before exercise.

Calcium - is a basic mineral component that affects, inter alia, the maintenance of the electrolyte balance of the body necessary for its proper functioning. It is an important component of bone tissue and is essential for its proper development, as well as for the efficient functioning of nerves, muscles and heart.

Potassium - is one of the most important fluid elements present inside every living cell. Its most important functions include regulation of the water and mineral balance of the body, participation in the proper conduction of nerve impulses and in protein synthesis.

Dosage of Finaflex Stimul 8 Hardcore:

1 scoop 30 minutes before training.

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